Saturday, January 21, 2017

Super Salad!

Tonight my husband took me on a date to one of our favorite places. I love the restaurant because of the soup they serve as an appetizer. It's chicken and rice which is delicious. There was no doubt that I wanted the soup to start the meal. :)

My husband and I discussed what we would order while the waitress was getting our drinks. By the time she came back, we both knew we wanted steaks. When she asked what I'd like, I happily answered her, "We both want the same thing! The Club Steak. I'd also like soup and a salad."

"Oh, you get a super salad." She said, "What other side would you like?"

"I get another side? Hmm...Let me see." I looked at the list of sides on the menu and chose spinach because I'm trying to cut my carbohydrates. Even though I'm not a huge fan of spinach.

She left with our orders and I turned to my husband and said, "Well, guess we get extra sides. I'm getting soup, a super salad and spinach with my steak."

He looked at me cock-eyed and said, "super salad?"

"Uh huh...she said I got a super salad."

He laughed and said, "She said soup or salad...not a super salad!"

"What?! I thought I was getting a super salad." The disappointment must have been all over my face because my husband said, "I can tell her not to bring the spinach and you can just get a salad in place of it."

"No!" I responded quickly, "I'll just eat the spinach. I do not want to tell her I thought she offered me a 'Super Salad'..."

We received the yummy soup shortly thereafter and enjoyed it along with a laugh over the super salad incident.

What can I say? I literally thought she offered me a Super Salad.

In my defense, I told her that I wanted a Club Steak, a soup and a salad. So...I can't take ALL the blame for the miscommunication...

I heard her incorrectly or at least that's what I thought she said.

But I was WRONG.

How often do we do this same thing with God? He says one thing and we hear what we want to hear or we do not hear Him correctly.

Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. Psalm 34:11

(A day in the life...) lol

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Dream Girl

            I followed Dad into the crisp, clear waters of Big River. Gravel crunched beneath my bare feet as we stepped deeper and deeper into the cold river until the spot seemed right and we stopped. I held my breath as cold water numbed the lower half of my body. Dad held a folded up handkerchief in one hand and my shaking hand in the other.
We turned to face fellow members of New Hope Baptist Church standing along the river bank then Dad cleared his throat and spoke, “Brothers and Sisters. We are gathered here today to witness this little child of God follow through with baptism after her decision to follow Jesus. I’m honored to baptize my daughter today before you,” he said to the crowd.
Some sniffled and wiped tears from their eyes but most were smiling in anticipation of the dunking that was about to take place.
            Then he turned and asked me, “Samantha, have you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ and is He Lord and Savior of your life?”
            I smiled and nodded as I said, “Yes.”
            “Then in obedience to the command of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I now baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost…” He covered my mouth and nose with the folded up handkerchief as he spoke and slowly pushed me beneath the freezing water and said, “Buried with Christ in baptism…” then as he raised me back up out of the water, he finished with, “Raised to walk in the newness of life…”
            Applause broke out along the river bank as I came up out of the water and church members began to sing out of their hymnals a favorite song, “I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus.  No turning back, no turning back…”
            I wiped my face and began to walk out of the water toward the river bank where church members were waiting and Dad followed me out of the river.
“I’m so proud of you, dear.” A sweet older lady wrapped a large white towel around me as I shivered with goosebumps on my arms and legs.
“Thank you Miss Gertrude."
The sound of gravel beneath my feet along with the melodic hymn ingrained themselves into my memory. I was welcomed into the church family with open arms and the warmth of home wrapped itself around my young heart as I stood shivering on the bank of Big River.